Contact Centre Directory

Welcome to the Contact Centre Directory.
An independent listing of many of the solution providers in the UK.
We do not rate, score, or recommend, any individual supplier, we just make it easy for you to find the supplier you are looking for.

To search for a specific type of product or service press CTL +F and type the word.

If you wish to search for the name of a specific supplier, click here.

Alternatively please select an option below, we will show you who supplies that service, and where they are located.
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Omni Channel Solutions

Omni Channel Solutions include Telephony, WebChat, Email, SMS, and Social Media.

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Telephony Solutions

Telephony Solutions show "stand alone" Telephone or Office solutions with little, or no, other media channels

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Multi-Media Solutions

Media Solutions include WebChat, Email, SMS, and Social Media. All stand alone or not including Telephony.

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Outsource your Telephony or Contact Centre services to a specialist 3rd party Outsourcer.

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Unsure of what you require? An external consultant may be the answer. (Please be aware that the consultant may have an affiliation with a number of suppliers.)

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AI Solutions

AI Solutions may integrate with your current solutions or may stand alone. 
Here we list a number of suppliers of AI solutions.

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Accessories include Handsets, Headsets, and general Office supplies.

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Everything from Office Premises to Desks and Chairs. If you need hardware or software to compliment your Contact Centre then visit the Facilities page

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Do you need training? Are you looking for specific courses? Do you want bespoke training for your business?
Visit the Training page to see whats available.

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Work Force Management

Looking to help your business manage it's employees and resources, or to improve efficiency and productivity?
Visit the WFM page to see whats available.

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Looking for staff? Age isn't important, skills are. Select the right Recruitment Agency, or Talent Acquisition Company to fit in with your business.
Visit the Recruitment page to see whats available.

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Recording of Customer Contact may form an essential part of your Compliance programme.
Professional recording of announcements and delay messages is also an essential part of your solution.
Visit the Recording page to see whats available.

Why us?

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As a free, independent service we simply make it easy for you to find who, what and why!

If you are investigating a new service, product, supplier or even a complete solution, we make it easy for you to evaluate your options.
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With just a few clicks of the mouse we can list the options that are listed within the Contact Centre Directory.

No more trundling through Bing, Google or other search engines, only to find the same suppliers listed at the top every time.

We list in alphabetical order and everyone is treated equally.

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As part of the UKCCF we have an abundance of information and expertise available that you can choose to use if you want to.

Alternatively we are able to supply an Independent Consultancy Service to help you decide what you require and how to get it.


Get in touch
  • Ask a question - Click Here

  • Email:

  • Address:
  • The Contact Centre Directory
  • c/o The UK Contact Centre Forum
  • 10 Pigott Road,
  • Wokingham Berkshire
  • RG40 1PY

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